help for scenreg


scenreg -- Scenarios for models with binary dependent variables


scenreg [varlist] [if] [in] [weight] , sd(exp) [options]

options Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Model link(link_name) specifies the link function dist(dist_name) specifies the distribution of the unobserved variable rho(varname #) specifies the correlation between varname and the unobserved variable noconstant suppresses the constant

SE/Robust vce(vcetype) vcetype may be oim, robust, cluster clustvar, opg, bootstrap, or jackknife

Display or report odds ratios rr report risk ratios hr report hazard ratios level(#) set confidence level coeflegend display coefficients' legend instead of coefficient table

Maximization maximize_options control the maximization process; seldom used ------------------------------------------------------------------------- fweights and pweights are allowed; see weight.


The results of many models for binary dependent variables can be influenced by unobserved variables, even when these unobserved variable are uncorrelated with any of the observed variables Neuhaus and Jewell (1993), Allison (1999), Williams (2009), and Mood (2010). With scenreg one can explore the seriousness of this potential problem for your data and hypotheses by allowing one to estimate the results given a wide set of scenarios concerning the unobserved variable. In that sense it is similar to Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983), Rosenbaum (2002) and Becker and Caliendo (2007), except that the method for estimating these scenarios used in scenreg allows greater flexibility regarding the distribution of the unobserved variable and the hypotheses and parameters that are investigated for scensitivity. The method is similar to the method proposed by Buis (2010), except that he used it for a sequential logit model.


+-------+ ----+ Model +------------------------------------------------------------ sd(exp) specified the standard deviation of the unobserved variable, which can also be interpreted as the effect of the standardized unobserved variable. The exp can either be a positive number or an expression that can be interpreted by [R] generate. This option is not optional.

link(link_name) specified the link function, the default is the logit link function. Alternitives are: probit, identity, log, cloglog, and loglog.

dist(dist_name) specifies the distribution of the unobserved variable. The default is the normal distribution. Alternatives are Gaussian (a synonym for normal), uniform, and discrete # #[# [...]]. The numbers in after discrete represent the proportion of observations that belong to each category of the discrete distribution. Since the numbers are propotions, they all need to be larger than 0 and they need to add up to 1. The location of these categories will be chosen such that the mean is 0, the standard deviation is 1, and all categories are separated by the same distance.

rho(varname #) specifies the correlation of the unobserved variable and the variable varname. The default is 0.

noconstant suppresses the constant term (intercept) in the model.

+-----------+ ----+ SE/Robust +--------------------------------------------------------

INCLUDE help vce_asymptall

+---------+ ----+ Display +----------------------------------------------------------

or | rr | hr reports the estimated coefficients transformed to odds ratios, risk ratios, or hazard ratios i.e., exp(b) rather than b. Standard errors and confidence intervals are similarly transformed. This option affects how results are displayed, not how they are estimated. Unfortunately, this option suppresses the display of the baseline odds, risk or hazard, i.e. exp(_cons). See Newson (2003) for a way around this problem.

The or option is only possible incombination with the logit link function. The rr option is only possible incombination with the log link function. The hr option is only possible incombination with the cloglog link function.

level(#); see [R] estimation options.

coeflegend; see [R] estimation options.

+--------------+ ----+ Maximization +-----------------------------------------------------

draws(#) specifies the number of pseudo random draws per observation used when calculating the simulated likelihood; the default is 100. See [M-5] mata_halton() and Drukker & Gates (2006).

start(#) specifies the index at which the Halton sequence starts; the default is 15. See [M-5] mata_halton() and Drukker & Gates (2006).

eclear specifies that the Mata external global object S_unobserved_variable may be overwritten. This global object is used to store pseudo-random draws from the unobserved variable, and is normally removed the moment scenreg successfully finished. However, it can be left behind when scenreg exited with an error, in which case the eclear option must be specified in the subsequent call to scenreg otherwise it will exit with an error.

maximize_options: difficult, technique(algorithm_spec), iterate(#), [no]log, trace, gradient, showstep, hessian, showtolerance, tolerance(#), ltolerance(#), nrtolerance(#), nonrtolerance, ; see [R] maximize. These options are seldom used.


The aim of scenreg is to explore the sensitivity of results in a binary regression model to the presence of unobserved variables. There are many publications now showing that these unobserved variable could influence the results (Neuhaus and Jewell (1993), Allison (1999), Williams (2009), and Mood (2010)), but these publications cannot tell you how big the problem is in your data and for your hypotheses or parameters of interest. That is the question that a sensitivity analysis using scenreg is supposed to answer.

The scenarios consists of assumptions concerning the strength of the effect of the standardized unobserserved variable (specified in the sd(exp) option), the distribution of the unobserved variable (specified in the dist(dist_name) option), and the correlation between the unobserved and an observed variable (specified in the corr(varname #) option). The strength of the effect of the unobserved variable can be constant or change over variables. The latter possibility is useful as this "heteroscedasticity" plays an important part in the literature. The effects are than estimated by integrating the unobserved variable out of the likelihood function using maximum simulated likelihood, see: Train (2003) and the special issue on maximum simulated likelihood in the Stata Journal, issue 6, number 2.

The hard part is to determine a set of scenarios that on the one hand push the model hard, but on the other hand are still (somewhat) plausible. This is not a technical problem, but a substantive one. The best thing one can do is look at the literature in your field, and see what kind of effects occur in real data. Remember that the effect specified in the sd() option can be thought of as effects of a standardized variable.

To keep the number of scenarios manageable (and estimateable) you will typically want to break your sensitivity analysis up into several sub-analyses: One that only changes the amount of unobserved heterogeneity, one that allows the amount of unobserved heterogeneity to change in differing degrees over a key variable, one that fixes the amount of unobserved heterogeneity to one number but allows the correlation between the unobserved variable and an observed variable of interest to change, etc.


As a general strategy, it is often useful to build a (sub-)sensitivity analysis in three steps:

1) prepare the data

2) estimate the scenarios, and store those models using estimates

3) analyse the stored scenarios

The reason for separating the estimating and storing the scenarios from the analysing the scenarios is that the estimation can take quite a bit of time, so you really want to do that only once, while the analysis part consist of a lot of moving back and forth between scenarios and parameters that might be of interest. By estimating and storing the models you can avoid estimating the same scenario multiple times and you more easily keep an overview of which scenarios you estimated.

Below is an example of how I would organize such a sensitivity analysis. I start with a basic model without unobserved heterogeneity, In this case I model union membership of women who were asked in 1988 where asked question regarding their union membership, marital status and how many years of schooling they attained. The variable of interest is the education of the respondent (grade).

sysuse nlsw88, clear gen byte black = race == 2 if race <= 2 gen byte baseline = 1

scenreg union married never_married black grade baseline, /// sd(0) link(logit) or nocons est store s0

Next I will estimate the other scenarios. In this case I will look at the influence of changing the amount of unobserved heterogeneity. So here I estimated three scenarios, where in each subsequent scenario the amount of unobserved heterogeneity increased by 1.

scenreg union married never_married black grade baseline, /// sd(1) link(logit) or nocons est store s1

scenreg union married never_married black grade baseline, /// sd(2) link(logit) or nocons est store s2

scenreg union married never_married black grade baseline, /// sd(3) link(logit) or nocons est store s3

Next we can use these stored scenarios to look if our conclusions are sensitive to the amount of unobserved heterogeneity. Say we are interested in the effect of education for women. The So we are looking at the parameter of grade. I start with creating an empty matrix in which I will later store the results from the different scenarios. I have 4 scenarios, so the matrix will contain 4 rows. For each scenario I want to store the amount of unobserved heterogeneity, the odds ratio for grade, and the p-value of the test whether this odds ratio equals 1 (which is equivalent to the test that the coefficient equals 0), so the matrix will contain three columns.

matrix res = J(4,3,.)

Next I loop over the scenarios, which I called s0 till s3. I start with using estimates restore to retrieve the appropriate scenario. I than test whether the effect of being white during the third scenario equals zero. Than I create a new local macro equal to `i' + 1, so it will run from 1 to 4. This macro will indicate which row of the matrix res I will want to fill. The final line says that we populate the `j'th row of matrix res with three numbers (see matrix substitution):

The first number is amount of unobserved heterogeneity used in that scenario. Here I used the fact that I created my scenarios in such a way that the amount of unobserved heterogeneity equals `i'. In general one creates the scenarios in such a way that they differ in some regular way, and you can often use that regularity to populate the first column of such a results matrix.

The second number is the odds ratio for grade. Here I used the standard Stata way of retrieving coefficients from models, for more see here: _variables. The odds ratio is exp(coefficient).

The final number is the p-value of the test whether that the odds ratio equals 1, i.e. the coeficient equals 0. This p-value was left behind by the test command as r(p).

forvalues i = 0/3 { est restore s`i' test _b[grade] = 0 local j = `i' + 1 matrix res[`j',1] = `i', exp(_b[grade]), r(p) } matrix colnames res = "sd" "or" "p"

I can than tabulate the results using matlist.

matlist res, names(columns) format(%9.3g) Or I can graph them. To do that I first turn the matrix into variables in my dataset using svmat. These variables I can than use to create my graphs.

svmat res, names(col)

twoway line or sd, /// xtitle("effect of the standardized unobserved variable" /// "(log odds ratio)") /// ytitle("effect of grade (odds ratio)")

twoway line p sd, /// xtitle("effect of the standardized unobserved variable" /// "(log odds ratio)") /// ytitle("p-value of test" "whether odds ratio for grade = 1")

Putting this all together:

// start with preparing the data sysuse nlsw88, clear gen byte black = race == 2 if race <= 2 gen byte baseline = 1

// estimate the scenarios scenreg union married never_married black grade baseline, /// sd(0) link(logit) or nocons est store s0

scenreg union married never_married black grade baseline, /// sd(1) link(logit) or nocons est store s1

scenreg union married never_married black grade baseline, /// sd(2) link(logit) or nocons est store s2

scenreg union married never_married black grade baseline, /// sd(3) link(logit) or nocons est store s3

// collect estimates from the scenarios matrix res = J(4,3,.)

forvalues i = 0/3 { est restore s`i' test _b[grade] = 0 local j = `i' + 1 matrix res[`j',1] = `i', exp(_b[grade]), r(p) } matrix colnames res = "sd" "or" "p"

// tabulate the estimates matlist res, names(columns) format(%9.3g)

// graph the estimates // first turn the matrix into variables svmat res, names(col)

// graph the variables twoway line or sd, /// xtitle("effect of the standardized unobserved variable" /// "(log odds ratio)") /// ytitle("effect of grade (odds ratio)")

twoway line p sd, /// xtitle("effect of the standardized unobserved variable" /// "(log odds ratio)") /// ytitle("p-value of test" "whether odds ratio for grade = 1")


Maarten L. Buis, Universitaet Tuebingen maarten.buis@uni-tuebingen.de


Allison, Paul D. (1999) "Comparing logit and probit coefficients across groups". Sociological Methods & Research, 28(2): 186-208.

Becker, Sascha O. and Marco Caliendo (2007) "Sensitivity analysis for average treatment effects", The Stata Journal, 7(1): 71-83. http://www.stata-journal.com/article.html?article=st0121

Buis, Maarten L (2010) "Chapter 7, The consequences of unobserved heterogeneity in a sequential logit model", In: Buis, Maarten L. Inequality of Educational Outcome and Inequality of Educational Opportunity in the Netherlands during the 20th Century. PhD thesis. http://www.maartenbuis.nl/dissertation/chap_7.pdf

Drukker, David M. and Richard Gates (2006) "Generating Halton sequences using Mata", The Stata Journal, 6(2): 214-228. http://www.stata-journal.com/article.html?article=st0103

Mood, Carina (2010) "Logistic regression: Why we cannot do what we think we can do, and what we can do about it." European Sociological Review, 26(1):6 7–82.

Neuhaus, John M. and Nicholas P. Jewell (1993) "A Geometric Approach to Assess Bias Due to Omited Covariates in Generalized Linear Models." Biometrika, 80(4): 807–815.

Newson, Roger (2003) "Stata tip 1: The eform() option of regress", The Stata Journal, 3(4): 445. http://www.stata-journal.com/article.html?article=st0054

Rosenbaum, Paul R (2002) Observational Studies. New York: Springer, 2d edition.

Rosenbaum, Paul R. and Donald B. Rubin (1983) "Assessing Sensitivity to an Unobserved Binary Covariate in an Observational Study with Binary Outcome." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, 45(2): 212–218.

Train, Kenneth (2002) Discrete Choice Methods with Simulation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Williams, Richard (2009) "Using heterogenous choice models to compare logit and probit coefficients across groups", Sociological Methods & Research, 37(4): 531–559.

Also see:

Online: glm, mata_halton()